Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Oh, Hillary! Really?

It's a long drop from the top, isn't it? Just when you think you see the bottom, it keeps getting further away. And the longer you fall, the longer you deal with that rumbling, shifting nausea in your stomach. Where is the ground, already?

Yes, that's Hillary's career we're talking about. This isn't just a question about presidential aspirations, this is about her future in politics. The longer she scrapes and grabs, the longer the evil sees the light of day. With most other candidates in a primary process, they shrink back from the potential greatness and return to their day job, for those in Congress, this means actually running the government (Biden, Dodd, Kucinich). But Hilary is staring at the abyss and jumping in!

How does a crazy, kitchen-sink-abusing, narcissistic, lying, sleep-deprived, partily-challenged Democratic junior senator from New York have a shot in the next congressional election? The Republicans will trot out the next rising star to challenge her with easy accusations of coniving, disloyalty that puts personal ambition above the needs of her constituents. And do you think this won't stick with her forever?

This blog by Andrew Sullivan hits the right notes: "I was sleep deprived".

But the true tragedy is that I never wanted to be that guy. I loved the Clintons irrationally throughout the 1990s. I was an apologist in a conservative climate. When critics charged them as being poll-driven and wishy washy, I thought it was great that they actually listened to people. Yes, I was naive. The truth, however, has taught us something else.

And the sick and utterly depressing thing of it all? If it were between Hillary and John (McCain), I would vote for her. But isn't that just further masochism?

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