Monday, August 6, 2007

Federalist/Anti-federalist Debate 2.0

And while I’m at it on the Constitutional kick, has everyone forgotten the two realities of the world in which the Constitution was debated, written, debated some more, and ratified?

  1. The framers were escaping tyranny in favor of self-determination and self-representation.
  2. The framers distrusted individual leaders (federalists, kings, dictators, and even the newly created president) and even elected ones. Articles of impeachment, checks and balances, and even a militia of citizens were made the legal steps for ousting a power-mad fascist.

Anyone with half of a brain can see that Bush represents everything that Jeffersonians despised, and I dare say that even John Adams, Mr. Federalist himself, would find Bush beyond even his estimation of what a leader should be—considering his tendency for law-breaking, misinterpretation of law, strong-arming of opponents, and his (successful) attempts to devastate, decimate, and destroy the entire criminal justice system of the United States. Bush is the kind of criminal that they would have encouraged us to take up arms against. Then again, he’s also the very one that would throw me in jail for even suggesting it.

How easily Bush is able to prove his opponents right.

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